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Thursday, 6 May 2021

Mannequin drawing in Madrid

I have criminally neglected my illustration website over the last 18 months, the good news is that it’s because I’ve been phenomenally busy. To make up for it I’ll be posting some of the projects that I’ve worked on since I last updated this site.

This one is a live drawing at an Arthritis Conference in Madrid. I covered this mannequin in doodles based on comments from patients and doctors over the course of the two day event.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Sky Sports Cricketers

A commission for Sky sports to create avatars for their team of pundits and pros

Click here for the full set

Live drawing

...at a Diabetes conference in Berlin

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Manga-ish Live Scribe Tokyo

...and here’s a test drawing in a slightly more anime style for a live scribe event in Tokyo that I did in spring 2019.

Pharmaceutical doodles

It’s been ages since I added new work here due to things being pretty hectic last year. I’ve got a window of downtime at the moment so hopefully I’ll be able to update my site a bit. I’ll start with this test drawing for a suite of brand illustrations for a drug company that I started work on back in May year.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Women's World Cup Wallcharts

My 2019 Women's World Cup Wallcharts are available to buy, as usual all proceeds go to the L&D NICU - click here for more details.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Freaky Figures

Some freaky figures for an ad campaign for a financial institution plus the original pencil sketches.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

More Live Drawing

I quite often get asked to draw live at seminars whilst someone is speaking on stage. Here are some pics from one such event, a three-day conference in Berlin for a global flavours company.

It was quite a tricky one because I knew very little about the industry they work in and also, as it was a global meeting, I had to listen particularly hard to understand all of the different accents.

Overall though, everyone seemed to be very happy with my attempts at visualising information about vanilla crop yields, fruit tea sales and sexy onions!

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Individual World Cup prints

Due to so many people asking for individual prints of the players featured on my wallcharts, I've decided to make them available. Click here for more details.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

World cup 2018 wallcharts now ready to order

Two years have passed since the last tournament and now the FIFA World Cup in Russia is just around the corner.

Click here to get your hands on one of my snazzy charity World Cup wallcharts, once again all of the profits are going to the brilliant Luton and Dunstable Hospital Neonatal and Intensive Care Unit.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Twitter gnomes

Some social media using gnomes in a magical garden used as a backdrop for a Twitter event.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Some stuff for a thing that never happened

Some drawings I did a while ago for a thing that never materialised but I kind of like them so they're going on my online scrapbook of an illustration website.