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Sunday 12 May 2024

Euro 2024 Wallcharts

 My World Cup 2022 wallcharts are now on sale from the link here. As usual, all proceeds go to the Luton & Dunstable Hospital Neonatal Unit.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Live Digital Scribing

2023 was the year that the amount of digital live drawing jobs I was asked to do (hooking my iPad up to a big screen) overtook traditional live drawing work (pens/paints on walls/paper/canvas). Here are some snippets from a few of my live digital scribing jobs from last year.

Barcelona live draw

 Drawing at a two day healthcare conference in Barcelona.

Live digital drawing for IHG Group conference

As it’s January I’m posting up some of the live drawing jobs I’ve worked on throughout last year. 2023 was definitely my busiest year of drawing at events and exhibitions yet with some interesting event all over Europe including Milan, Madrid, Edinburgh, Cannes, Barcelona, London and Manchester.

Window drawing for Google Cloud