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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Official Star Wars Tee

Here's my second officially licensed Star Wars T-shirt entitled 'Honk if you love Star Wars' – available to buy here from Welovefine.com more designs to come soon.

This is my first one, 'Hands up if you love Star Wars click here to buy

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Rude Dolph

Each one of this years Christmas cards came with an individually rendered (reindeered?) swear word. As this is a family-friendly website I've pixelated the below image, I'll leave it up to you to imagine the exact level of coarse language featured on each card.

Drawing on windows

Here's a communication/technology themed mural I did recently on the windows of Steelcase's London office for their 'Living on video' event, click to make them bigger – more images including some live drawing I did at the actual event to come soon.